Alheldron is a town in the north of Towtalt. It is notable for being the northern-most town in Kulpania, and the town itself hosts the northern-most point in all of Kulpania. The town is famed for its centuries-old traditional winter market originating from the mid-17th century, and being the site of Æntes Líntúq Manor.
At the 2016 census, Alheldron had a population of 27 967, making it the fourth-largest town on Towtalt. Despite its small population, the town hosts many unique shops and attractions, as it regularly draws hundreds of tourists per day at the peak of the market. The town's harbour also draws many tourists as it homes hundreds of luxury yachts thanks to the harbour's intricate decoration and architecture.
Admiral Ólman Quay stands in Alheldron's harbour, the northern-most point in Kulpania. The end of the quay has a statue dedicated to the Admiral Ólman, who led the successful invasion of Towtalt in the Third Towtalt War (1659-1663). The statue has frequently received criticism as it depicts a figure who fought directly against the identity and independence of Towtalt, however the Towtalt county council defends the statue's existence and continues to regularly maintain it.
Alheldron is served by four Towtalian bus routes, connecting the town to Towta and Noltir. Residents of the town have regularly advocated for an extension to either the Towta Metro or the Dutell Trains line on Towtalt to serve Alheldron with rail transport, and while both suggestions are currently being considered, there are currently no definitive plans in place for any rail transport in Alheldron.