Lowtah is a city in Lowtahtor, Kulpania. It is the fourth-largest city in terms of population, being less populous than Katril in Sitontor but more so than Tondil, the second-largest city in Lowtahtor. It is located roughly in the centre of the country, lying on the western coast. The city centre is just eleven miles from the border with Middex, thirty-three miles from Bocoba, and forty-two miles from Qigamú.
At the 2016 census, the Lowtah metropolitan area had a population of 1 312 557, with the central district having a smaller population of 207 881. Lowtahtor county council is headquartered on Mústóc Street, whose building also houses the Lowtah metropolitan authority.
The city of Lowtah has a metro system consisting of three lines which initially opened on 11 February 2019 after its construction began in July 2012. The system was fully completed on 23 November 2020, as the system opened in two distinct phases. The Lowtah tram network has eleven lines covering the vast majority of the city's population, however the construction of the metro system was deemed necessary as the city's tram network became severely over-crowded and unreliable. Since the opening of the Lowtah metro system, ridership of the tram network has dropped by 37%, and the number of trams running late has dropped by 73% as a result.
Three KulpanRail franchises serve the city: Dutell Trains, Kulpan highspeed, and Westex. Connections are available to many regional hotspots, such as Anamit, Nintón, and Tondil, as well as nationally significant cities through high speed services. Since 2014, two new rail stations have opened in the city to serve other major transport hubs, Nílsa Ótnic Airport and Lowtahtor National Harbour, which are served by suburban Dutell Trains services.
The city is served by Lowtah Nílsa Ótnic Airport, named after the 1920s air pioneer who advocated for the legality of international aviation and granting of pilots' licences to anyone regardless of social class, among others. The airport opened in 1953, originally called Lowtah East Airport as Lowtah Commercial Air Terminal had opened twelve years before. Its name was changed in 1981 to mark Nílsa's death due to tuberculosis.
Lowtah Nílsa Ótnic Airport has been served by NationalAir since its inception in 1963, even though the airport hosts no Major routes. The operator provides connections to Dalow, Iguana Point, Holt, Oloton, Micajer, and since 2018, Ístúlźinoit in the East Highlands. Once Tondil Míslóc Airport opens in 2022, the operator will also provide a connection between these two destinations.
The airport's second terminal was opened in 2007 after the city's other airport, then called Lowtah Harbour Airport, closed due to financial malpractices in 2005. This terminal was closed for six months in 2017 after a terrorist attack on the airport caused twenty-seven fatalities and significant damage to the terminal building, requiring major repair work and extensive safety measures to be put in place.